October 5, 2019
Hello All!
I want to remind everyone to pray for Tyra as she starts work for Two Roads in Uganda! She started work full time last week! She is social worker who is completing her college degree in December. We know that she loves the Lord and loves the families we work with. She will be lots of help working with family relationships and helping minister to all the girls who have experienced trauma in recent years.
Last Saturday we had a Two Roads gathering at the Bakehouse in Perry. It was a great time of sharing and praising God for what He is doing in Uganda! We added 4 new children who need sponsors to the website this week (only2roads.org) so pass that along if you know someone who would be willing to invest $40 a month to radically change the direction of a child’s life.
The rest of the newsletter this month is shared by Janelle Keith. Janelle made her first trip with Two Roads in August this year and this is her description of one of her experiences there.
Beautiful feet! (by Janelle Keith)
As I reflect on my recent mission trip to Kabale, Uganda, I was expectant for God to reveal Himself. The most moving day for me personally was my birthday, Aug 8. It was the first year I had spent my birthday in an international country. Usually, there’s nothing special about getting older as the excitement of birthdays wane over time. I already knew I wasn’t going to eat any cake and ice cream that day but I sensed that God had something sweeter in mind.
Our team set out to distribute shoes to a group of marginalized people group that lived on top of a mountain. They are called the Batwa people. (Read the background on this people group in last month’s newsletter). Our guide carefully drove us by car on the very narrow and winding road up the side of the mountain. That ride itself was thrilling! On a couple of very “skinny” parts of the road, I was praying, as were others, for the Lord to hold us together and to not perish. Not on my birthday! I had peace and knew there was something at the top of the mountain He wanted us all to see.
Our team trekked up a narrow path to the highest point of 8,500 ft. above sea level to get to a village. We saw a recently built school. The kids quickly filed out to greet us and walked with us to several adjacent and extremely rudimentary huts. Beside the very primitive dwellings, our team was immediately greeted with a welcome song. I thought, “They don’t even know why we came.” But I would like to think they saw our compassion. God had prepared their hearts to expect us.
God’s goodness was definitely abounding. In the middle of the most severe abject poverty, I witnessed simple joy from their warm reception. Our guide’s name was Innocent and he translated that our team had brought growth shoes for the children. The kids quickly formed a messy line, sat down, and our team fitted them with new shoes. First one foot then the other. It didn’t matter that their feet were dirty and already toughened by the ground. Every child looked at the team with wide-eyed wonder and thankfulness. I sensed God’s loving kindness in action as we fitted each foot with Christian love.
After all the shoes were distributed, the group again gave us another song along with a cultural dance as a thank you. Their praises to God took me to the Heavenly throne of Grace. There was a great celebration of jubilation! As I stood quietly taking it all in, God spoke. “They are not forgotten.” I slipped quietly over to one of our leaders who in turn told Innocent, and he related (in Rokiga) the message from God and spoke hope to them. After it was all said and done, we took pictures and hugged goodbye.
I was so blessed to be sent up that mountain on my birthday. On the way down Greg told me that some extra team project money given on my behalf would be used to purchase four sheep for the village. I was again grateful that I was a small part in leaving a gift with them. They became family through that gift and were no longer strangers.
Later, I journaled all that happened on my birthday. I will remember that I too that I am not forgotten. I saw the greatness of God there! Isaiah 52:7 says, “What a beautiful sight to behold—the precious feet of the messenger coming over the mountains to announce good news! He comes to refresh us with wonderful news, announcing salvation to Zion and saying, ‘Your Mighty God reigns!” (TPT) Of course this verse is referring to Jesus coming to save us all, but I felt the love of Christ as we offered His hands and feet.
I felt refreshed even though we had traveled quite a distance that day. I received gifts on my special day that could only be experienced. Romans 10:15 says, “And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!’”
Beautiful feet were sent to the top of the mountain and our team fitted some beautiful feet there. The scenic panoramic view of God’s beauty was also noticed by all. True beauty was noted not only in creation but through His people. I saw God’s great majesty and I experienced His sovereignty with sending our team there. I experienced His goodness through His people. I received His peace in my heart and felt His love breaking down walls to rebuild hope once again. I saw the beauty of His Word as truth was established in my heart. I heard His voice and I am reminded of what a gift His sweet presence is! These are the gifts I received on my birthday in Uganda. Because of that experience I came home with a greater faith which moves mountains and a deeper understanding of God’s grace for the global church.
Well, that’s it for this month! Please continue praying for our obedience to do all that the Lord places on our hearts to do! Pray specifically for the special needs of Denise, Hillary, Martin who have all had medical needs recently. Pray also for our children who are in candidate classes who take tests this term to determine if they move forward in their education. Onesimus, Naomi Michelle, Sayidi, Gilbert, Caleb, Helena and Anthony (in Primary 7), Precious Debra, Kevin, Benias, Justine, Princess and Josephine (Senior 4 class), and our seniors Jim, John, Alex, Emmanuel, Mercy and Helen (Senior Class 6). Pray for all our families as they face the challenges of poverty every day.
May God bless you,
Greg & Donna