We hope everyone had a very blessed Christmas!  Happy New Year! God is Good!  What an amazing year of change for 2 Roads Foundation!  God has been so faithful through all that has happened this year.  He has sustained us, blessed us, challenged us, and met all our needs!

Thank you to all of you who gave to the Christmas fund so the children and their families can have a Christmas celebration and receive extra food for the holidays. Each family received food to take home on December 19th . On the 24th they went to a butcher where we made arrangements for them to receive some meat for a Christmas day meal at home! We gave away 4 goats to the children at this year’s celebration!  One was given for the best student in both primary and secondary school and one each was given for the most improved student in both Primary and secondary school.  Let me share some pictures from the Christmas Celebration held on December 20 with all our children and their parents/guardians.

As you receive this newsletter we are heading over to Uganda! The team consists of Greg, Donna, Jess, Sarina, Beth and Tesla. Greg will be staying until the end of February. We look forward to sharing the vision God continues to reveal to us to all our new staff and enjoying some great times worshipping all together with our Ugandan brothers and sisters.  We sincerely appreciate all your prayers!!

Thank you for your support,

Greg & Donna

Farouk, Jim, and Humble share at Christmas time

 Thank you for supporting all our Two Roads Family!! Wow!!

Receiving food gifts

Meat for Christmas dinner!

Boonabaana Rebecca is top Secondary Student!

Daphine wins most improved Primary Student!