TWO ROADS NEWSLETTER (from Amos Kasigwa)

“MUKAMA ASSIMWE”  Literally translated as Praise God!

At the beginning of March, Uganda received the first case of the COVID 19 and what had started as disease overseas in china was at our doorstep!

In the effort to limit its spreading, the Government of Uganda took decisive and hard steps! Schools were closed, public gatherings stopped, churches closed and transportation banned with an allowance of cargo vehicles, which should not exceed 3 passengers including the driver.  As I write this report, there are 81 confirmed cases in Uganda so far… and 1 case in Kabale. With these measures in place, our programs were greatly affected and had to stop. The school outreach stopped, fellowship stopped, and worst of all junction days banned!

This left us with no option apart from staying home and working from home in a bid to protect those we serve but also avoid being exposed to the virus.

Our team has been engaging the kids and parents on phone especially those who need encouragement and counseling. This approach is limiting but we are grateful that we can still connect with our children and their families in every possible small way.

What these measures also meant was that most of our parents who live on hawking vegetables and fruits, hawking second hand clothes and really day today jobs would be jobless. This left them with no source of income and therefore no food to eat. We are so grateful to God for your generosity towards coming alongside these families and starting from March, we were able to reach out to all our families with posho and beans! Each family got an average of 25 kgs of posho and 15 for beans.

After the first Phase, which occurred in March, the lord blessed us with more funds to provide for our families and a few other people in the community. In total we were able to give food to 83 out of our total number of 85 families in the program. The two families live out of town and we could not reach them because of the lockdown.

In addition to our families, we gave food to more than 23 families in the community with whom we have had a relationship even when they are not in our program. These included some of the women from the fellowship, the drivers that we have worked with and the staff at Albertine hotel.

Above are the famous Obama and the staff at Albertine who were beyond grateful for the inclusion

A very big thank you to everyone who participated in this cause. We have all seen how a small gesture of kindness can change a lot in someone’s life and bring them to the loving knowledge of Christ. This is something we emphasized during the food distribution that the Lord has provided and he knows and hears our prayers.

Thank you for being a part of his plan in this part of the world!

Yours in Christ,


(see more photos below)

Just a few comments from Greg & Donna…

We continue to find ourselves in the middle of the world wide Coronavirus pandemic! It has affected everyone to some degree or another. As Amos shared it has certainly affected our children’s & families’ lives in Kabale, Uganda. We are so grateful to have faithful staff on the ground in Kabale being God’s hands and feet!  We are grateful to you our faithful sponsors who give so we can feed the families during this time.

On April 4th we had our first ever Facebook live event!  I hope you had a chance to watch that event live.  If you didn’t you can still see the videos that were shown that night by going to our Facebook Two Roads page. We felt like the event was a big success! We missed seeing you all personally but hope that maybe we reached some who wouldn’t have been able to come to Perry anyway.  I know our staff was able to watch from Uganda! We showed a video produced in Kabale introducing our staff and giving a tour of the Junction!

Just yesterday we held a Zoom praise and prayer time with some of our US volunteer staff and our Ugandan Staff! It was a great time of connection and we entered together into the throne room!

Summer trips? Exactly. We still are committed to go, but we don’t know if that will be possible. Brussels Air (who we made our reservations through) is not flying at all until June 1st.  They will allow us to change flights up until August 31st this year so we are still waiting and praying.

Hope you are all well and seeking God’s face as you have time to reflect on all that is happening in our world.  If you would like to give to our continuing food relief effort that would be a blessing.


May God bless you all,

Greg & Donna