Thank you for taking time to read this update! The borders and the airport in Uganda have been opened!  Students in the candidate classes will return to school next week. (that is students in Primary 7, Secondary 4 and secondary 6 (i.e. seniors)).   It is still unclear how soon we will be able to return to Uganda as there are still restrictions that could prohibit us from interacting with the staff and children. We hope soon to be able to make a trip to visit everyone there.  Last week at the Junction we restarted the ladies’ fellowship!!  Gatherings of 70 or less are allowed now (with face masks and proper social distancing.) 

Our staff’s focus over these long months of shut down has been on visiting in the homes and in doing small group meetings with the children.  This has been a great time of sharing and “seed-planting” by our staff.  Please pray with us that these seeds continue to find fertile ground in the children’s hearts.

In this newsletter we will hear first from Rosette who has been visiting in the homes of the ladies who are a part of the ladies’ fellowship.  Then we will hear from our Ugandan director, Amos.



I want to first thank God who has given us the opportunity to be his hands and feet in this organization. I have recently been visiting our fellowship ladies’ homes, which has been the most enriching experience thing for me and the ladies I have been going with. They were so happy about the visit because they had missed the fellowship and they cannot wait to come back.

 Seeing these women welcoming us with gratitude and love after a long time was an indication that we have cultivated deeper relationships with them in one way or another, praying and sharing the word with them was illustration of family and togetherness. 

Opening and Sharing with us their life struggles and challenges during the period of COVID19 made us at time shed tears and smiling at the same time knowing that they were not going through this alone but with God and us praying for them. Some told us how they are so much grateful for the food God gave them through 2Roads during the hard period that it helped them a lot in the time they were full of worries. 

This has given us a chance to know some of these ladies more and getting to know where they stay and how they live their lives. It’s so amazing finding how far some of these ladies come from but they still walk and come to attend the fellowship with us. 

We thank God for keeping these women safe and for us to meet them again. However, there are prayer requests these families would like you to pray with them and I thought of sharing them with you;

  • an old woman that we found so sick with the cancer on her pancreas she is fighting for her life I would like us to continue praying for her healing.
  • A woman that lost her husband during the lockdown and left her with three kids and recently her house fell and now she has a small room that she is renting. Let’s continue to pray for her too. 

I would like us to continue praying for these ladies even as we start fellowshipping with them that God will continue teaching them of his love and mercies and to understand his goodness and know him better for the glorification of His name.

Thank you

Rosette Nyakato

The Procurement and Fellowships Cordinator.

Here are a few highlites from Amos:

Praise God,

Devotions continue being the heartbeat of our programs here at the junction! We continue having small groups and this month we even reached out to p.6 and p.7  (Primary) kids on Monday afternoon.  The conversations have been deep and engaging across the board. The kids continue little by little growing in the Word. The conversations ranged from character suitable for Christians to being called to be peacemakers.  They have been impactful to some of our kids in the program and this can be seen in a young man named CALEB’S testimony where he says:” I and my brothers had set out to kill our neighbor’s cow in the evening for eating our crops but when I heard about being called to be peacemakers in the world and with our neighbors, I went home and told my brothers to instead tie the cow on the rope and call the owner to be warned which they accepted.” Such testimonies are a true reflection of God’s faithfulness to transform hearts!

Devotions this last month included:

  • Character Suitable for Everyone in Christ (Colossians 3:12-14)
  • Being Peace Makers (Colossian 3:15)
  • The Peace Maker’s Resource (Colossians 3:16-17)

In all of these devotions the children are challenged to seek to study, memorize, meditate, and live according to the teaching of God’s word in their lives!


Having suspended because of the virus, we revived the Men’s Fellowship to continue sharing God’s word. We started Friday 25th September. We shared from Mathew 6:25-33 as an encouragement to the challenges of the impact of COVID 19.  We will continue sharing the word of God with our fathers.


  • Continue Small Group Discipleship
  • Resume the Ladies’ fellowship
  • Start a father’s meeting at least 3 times a week.
  • Continue with a men’s fellowship
  • Work with the lawyer to get back our Land.

Thank you for your continued Support and prayers




Just a final note or two:

Please pray that the land will be returned to Two Roads ownership as there are those who are trying to thwart God’s plan to use this land for the children and for His glory! Over the last few weeks men loyal to Junior have cut down trees on our land and have sent surveyors to the land.  We think they are trying to fraudulently sell the land before we can legally get it returned to Two Roads ownership.  But God is sovereign! We just need to pray earnestly for His will to be accomplished.

Finally, we are so grateful to God for our amazing staff who can minister to the childfen and families in Kabale!! Please continue to pray for them as they serve the Lord on the front lines!

We thank God for all of you who support the work in Uganda!!



Greg & Donna