As 11 team members prepare to go to Uganda next week (!) we were reminded yesterday how fragile things in this world are! The government of Uganda has implemented a partial shut-down of the country.  We are still waiting and watching to see what this means.  For now, the airport is still open.  Schools have been cancelled, a curfew has been put in place, large gatherings prohibited, etc. Praying that we will still be able to make the trip.  I often think of the apostle Paul at times like this…I am not sure anything would have prevented him going…except of course the Holy Spirit!

In the last newsletter we reported that most of our children were back in school…On Monday this week that all changed again.  The children are all back home in the midst of lots of chaos and more change.  Please pray for these vulnerable children. Some of them were already thinking of dropping out of school.  Pray that they will return and especially that during this time they will be protected.

        (Picture: January 2020 at the start of a new year at a new school!)

We want to share with you this month the story of our staff member Conirod:


    I am Conirod Mutesasira, I was born on 27th January 1992 weighing 1.2 kg. (2.6 lbs.) -not a normal weight and I am the only kid of my both parents. My father was called Naboth Mutesasira and died in 1992 March and died of an accident and my mother was Birungi Annet and died of HIV Aids in 1999. When my father died they chased my mother from my father’s home saying they knew her because of my father but since he is no more they don’t know her and so my mother had to go back at her mother’s house (my grandmother) which was the only solution for her but still the struggle for a good standard of living was real her being that she had just given birth.

   My father left me when I was 2 months old and my mother also died when I was 7 years and being that our family was very poor that even getting what to eat was by the grace of God. At that age I was in primary one but even the school fees was a problem so when I came to primary three school fees became how I became a school dropout. My mother was staying in Kampala and I was living with my grandma in Mbarara western Uganda and the reason why I grew up mostly with my grandma is because when my mother gave birth to me because she was found HIV Positive they stopped her from breastfeeding me so my grandmother became my mother and started bottle feeding me.

   By God’s grace here I was seven years old and my mother died too while I was at that age and now life became so hard the more with my grandma because now no income no source of food etc. So at that age of seven I decided to go on the street and became a street kid for seven years. While on the street, I abused every form drug that was at my disposal. They ranged from sniffing petrol to abusing marijuana.

After seven years on the street, I miraculously had thought about home and  came back home just like the prodigal son from the street back to my grandmother house to be a child again after all the dangerous things I survived while on the street.

When I had come back home, there came a Good Samaritan who talked to my grandma to help go to school again and that’s how I went back to school I joined primary five and studied but by the God’s grace I happened to get a sponsor who was from Canada while I was joining secondary level i.e. senior one and he sponsored me till senior four (O’Level) and unfortunately he died when I was in my O’Level Vacation and I had to work hard while in my vacation to see  how I could join A’Level (senior 5 & 6)  there I had to learn Media that is Photography and Videography Coverage that I would be hired on parties for me to earn something that may help me for further studies. I happened to raise some fund but which was not enough to take me through so to cut the story short I did not complete the level. But throughout this, my grandma kept telling me about God and praying for me until I felt the conviction one evening and gave my life to Christ. That is how I was transformed inside out.  And now I thank God that my testimony has been of help and encouraging to many including my family surely, they are proud of me even those who rejected me after the death of my father and even those that had lost hope in me surely, they have seen God that can do miracles even me the kid they thought I was good for nothing became something. That is why I will live to love God always more and more because all has been because He loved me first. All the glory back to God. 

Yours truly,


Here are some things from Amos’s May report

Praise God,

Glad to share with you what has happened in May. God continues his work here in Kabale, we continue to experience his faithfulness across our programs.


Bridget with her mom

Bridget with her mom

Am happy to report that 7 of our university and students have finished school. These are:

  • Bridget Kyakunzire with a degree in social work and social administration
  • Penelope Turyagumanawe with a diploma in Information Technology
  • Sheila Tumwakire with a certificate in Information Technology 
  • Brenda Natukunda with a diploma in social work and social administration  
  • Desire Boonabaana with a certificate in Enrolled nursing
  • Jenifer Nabaasa with a certificate in Enrolled nursing. Of all these, Bridget, Penelope, and Sheila have graduated, and the other have finished their examinations awaiting graduation soon.

(from Greg)  A big thank you to the sponsors of these who made it all the way through a college degree!!


We had a parent’s meeting and hosted a lady from a local church here who has been involved in the marriage ministry. She did a fantastic job speaking from God’s view on parenting. We are so hopeful that in the long run this will be an impactful venture. Please continue that the Lord bless this community through this.

Thank you for your continued Support and prayers.



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Turyamureeba George

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