Kevin is fourteen years old and he is in primary six, he loves to play football and pink is his favorite color. Kevin is the first born of his mother but not sure which number he occupies from the father’s side because he has multiple children from multiple women, all of which he doesn’t take care of at all.
His mother digs in other peoples farms as a source of income and that is what she has to use to care for kevin and his brother and what really makes it hard is that there are times where she takes even a week minus finding any one offering her the job. These are normally hard days as they can even go without food for one or two days.
Kevin wants to be a farmer and he hopes to one train in both crop and animal husbandry, this dream from this little boy we can only facilitate by helping her find a sponsor but also not forgetting that the family needs a helping hand even on some of the basic needs like food.