January is always a time of new beginnings! We can look back over the last 2 years and see the far-reaching effects of Covid and the resulting school closure and shut-downs resulting in lost jobs for our parents and disruptions in our children’s lives. But we praise God for his faithfulness!!  We thank you for your continuing support! Let me summarize a few things from this past year a then share the expectations for the new year!

Christmas Celebration!

We had all the children attend a Christmas celebration and meal together. Servanthood awards were presented to the children voted by their peers as top in their age group. Awards were presented to Martha, Davis and Jim. The Two Roads Choir sang at the party. A wonderful meal with meat was provided. A great time was enjoyed by all.

Christmas Party 2021

Christmas Party 2021


Some of our Primary Children!

Kids are the heartbeat of our ministry and for every child reached we get a glimpse of what is possible for another life to be transformed for the glory of God. Below are the statistics of the kids in our program.

Total no. of sponsored Children:        133

Total no of families they represent:             94

We added 14 new children to our program in 2021.

We had 4 students that graduated from college this year!! Penny, Bridget, Sheilla and Brenda. We also currently have 7 students in vocational school and university while the rest are in both primary and secondary school.

When a child is sponsored, their family becomes a part of the Two Roads Family.  They attend parent meetings, receive parenting & marriage guidance and over the past few years, food assistance.

Big News: Our children returned to school today! (Monday Jan.10)

Bad News: At the same time Omicron has arrived in Kabale.  Just this past weekend Amos tested positive for the virus as have about 10 of our children.  So just as the children are returning to school many are getting the virus. So far, the symptoms have been not as severe as earlier strains of the virus.  The junction is under quarantine and the other staff are working from home.  The ladies fellowship has been cancelled for now.  Please pray for quick recovery of those who are sick.

The situation in Kabale seems to change from day-to-day! Donna and are still planning to go to Kabale soon, but are watching the situation there to determine God’s timing for us to be there. I had intended to share more about the upcoming year, but I will do that in future newsletters!

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support.

God bless you,

Greg & Donna and all our Staff