December 3, 2022

We wish you a very blessed Christmas season!  You are always in our prayers. We thank God for each one of you! Our 126 Families and 150 sponsored children will have a better Christmas because of you!

Christmas in Uganda: We had enough given to cover the cost of the Christmas party! You also provided enough to cover the cost of giving a food package to each family!  We still need funds to cover the cost of giving the gift of a mattress to each family.   We have 126 families and the cost of a mattress is about $25 each.  To provide these gifts we would need around $3150.  If we don’t receive funds soon we won’t be able to do this for Christmas. If we receive any additional funds, we will use them to give a Christmas bonus to our staff.

Special project:  Providing tools for the building project in January.  Special Projects | Only 2 Roads

January Trip: It looks like I will be traveling to Uganda in January.  We don’t have a team going.  We will still try to at least get the house started for the family whose house is falling down. Any help with the tools would be appreciated.

And now and update from Amos:

Parents meeting.

       We had one parents meeting in November. We had a guest speaker who pastors a church and is also the director of the Psychiatric and counseling department at the regional government hospital. He did a fantastic job explaining how a family unit is the most important institution in shaping the character of the nation. He reminded the parents of noble duty that God has given them to shape the moral outlook of this country. It was a good meeting!

Criminal Case

We had court session on the 22nd of November. The defense had challenged the decision to move the case to the international crimes division. The prosecution gave strong grounds on why it was necessary that it is tried in this court. Thankfully, the judge ruled in favor for the case to stay in Kampala under the international crimes Division. The judge directed that disclosure be made on 28th November. The prosecution did and they are waiting for the defense to respond. We are optimistic that the trial will start very soon.


We have had a consistent training program for the fellowship leaders modeling how Jesus discipled and nurtured the 12 disciples. It is a training mainly derived from the four gospels. This has greatly impacted us as well having studied in depth about how Christ trained his disciples. We believe through this that God will grow the fellowship leaders.

For the last 3 months, we have studied specific books in the Bible chapter by chapter. And these are;

  • Galatians
  • Hebrews
  • Romans

While these touch different topics in some ways, there has been a central message and that is the essence of Christ in man’s salvation. They talk about how we have been saved by GRACE! They emphasize the fact that all the laws and the prophets pointed at Christ and show us how Jesus was the fulfillment of all this. This is a message we believe the Holy spirit revealed to us and it is a message we so desperately needed in our fellowship! One of the biggest struggles we have here is religion. Religion that teaches people that for one to be saved, they have to fulfill certain rituals like baptizing infant children, paying church dues and attending Sunday services.

These books have rebuked our fellowship which is a collection of people from this background of not necessarily spiritual homes but religious. We keep praying that God will use his word to reveal his truth and help us unlearn the old ways as we receive the true gospel.

  School Break!

All our kids are out of school! The term was cut short due to the outbreak of Ebola in Uganda. The government did this in the belief that this would stop the spread of this brutal virus.

However, it is a joy for us to continue the Bible study and Discipleship classes as we get to spend more time with the kids.

Thank you for your unwavering support and prayers.

On behalf of the staff in Uganda,


Merry Christ,

Donna & Greg