This year marks the beginning of the ninth year of Two Roads Foundation. Everything we seek to accomplish is for God’s glory.  He has blessed us with all of you – our faithful sponsors and supporters. For this Newsletter I want to share excerpts from the amazing report that Amos prepared giving an overview of what God has been faithful to bless us with in 2023. Next month I hope to share some of the vision we have for Two Roads in 2024. Please read the overview and send up praise to God!

AN OVERVIEW OF 2023 (condensed from Amos’s report)

We praise the Almighty God, all knowing and sovereign God for the work he has done throughout the year 2023. We have seen him move in ways we have never seen before, we have seen lives get transformed and people give their lives to Christ in an environment captive of religion, we have seen broken relationships repaired and kids who have truly lived up to what God has called them to be.

I am happy to highlight what he has done through our following programs;

  • Social Work

As a ministry, children are still and will always be the heartbeat of this organization. This means that every child in the program is an opportunity to start a relationship, share the gospel, develop character and begin a generational journey of transformation. Our belief and hope is that this will create ripples of transformation through this city of Kabale and Uganda at large. This year we have held over 200 Bible study classes and held over 100 counseling sessions. It is through these meetings that God has touched the broken hearted and manifested his love. Only God knows how many bad choices have been prevented and their consequences had he not used these meetings to speak to his children.

  • Sponsorship

Sponsorship is a gateway and a means to our end in mind;” GLORYFYING GOD THROUGH TRANSFORMED LIVES” When a child gets sponsored, we build a relationship and create trust through which we use this relationship and trust to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our recruitment policy looks at the neediest of kids/families who most need rescue.

Here are the numbers that have faces and souls;

  • Total no. of students         157
  • Total no of families            141

This year alone, Two Roads Foundation has graduated 2 students both with Bachelor’s degrees and these are; Boaz Arinaitwe and Emmanuel Taremwa. Boaz graduated with a degree in Tourism and wildlife management while Emmanuel graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in social work and Social Administration.

These two gentlemen have not only graduated but also had their lives really grow. Boaz got married to his high school sweetheart while Emmanuel has joined the 2roads staff in Uganda. It is very fulfilling to see how God has grown and transformed these young men.


In July of this year, we celebrated the 8th anniversary of Two Roads Foundation existence but also the graduation of all the children that went through 2roads. What even made it very special is that Greg and Donna came with some of the sponsors and we also had the parents and the children. So, for the first time after covid the 2roads family was together but most importantly our sponsors got to see and experience what their sponsorship means to the kids. We had speeches from both the parents and students that only screamed thankfulness and God’s glory in all this. It’s truly been a pleasure being a part of this growth thus far.


We started these parents meeting out of the awareness that we cannot get ahead with kids without having these parents on board. Whatever we taught the kids was watered down by the unlike minded parents. We needed to synch them with the aspirations of 2roads. That is why we have been really consistent with our parents’ meetings this year. We have held 22 parents’ meetings and our focus has been mostly Parenting God’s way.


Holidays have been more fun this year as we are always looking out for ways of engaging our students into overall growth. Small groups and one on one relationships have proved to help us penetrate and be welcomed into the lives of our students hence knowing how best to treat all children as individuals.


God has continued to grow the fellowship in word and number. Because of growth, we had more than 30 ladies give their lives to Christ and 6 accepted to be baptized by immersion. We also conducted a Leader’s training through the year and created space for their growth into their roles. We are really excited to commission them January when Greg and Donna come. There has been a consistent average 75 women that come to the fellowship every Tuesday.

  The Men’s fellowship as well has continued to meet every Thursday. We have had an average number of 8 men come to the fellowship.

The approach to teaching God’s word this year has been in series. We have come up with topics that are taught in depth. We have shared topics like Salvation, being saved by Grace and Faith among others


This year, we have continued the rabbit project with seven more beneficiaries. Having learned from the first phase project, we came up with even better Rabbit hutches that met the needs of the rabbits, we also learned better ways of taking care of the rabbits. With this knowledge and experience, we are hopeful that this project will even be more successful. What made this even more beautiful was that we involved the first phase recipients to train and guide the new recipients, drawing their lessons from their experience. A Financial and business training was also initiated for these ladies to look at these projects as their businesses.

We also started small business for 3 ladies as a way of empowering them to sustainably take care of themselves. Of the three, 2 still have their businesses running well.


This has been our tradition since 2019. We get to celebrate the Birth of Christ as 2roads family but also reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God through the year. This year, we held our Christmas party on the 16th dec 2023. It was a really beautiful event filled with a lot of singing Christmas carols, dancing the traditional Kikiga Dance, Awarding the best students in school and the most improved, and lastly but most importantly according to kids, EATING a lot food!

We used the same event to give out Christmas Packages, and a pair of plastic chairs to each family.

The kids presented their songs, we had a parent who spoke on behalf of the rest and that was Innocent, Cleophas’s dad. The student representative was Princess Brenda. We caught up as a family and got to know each other even better. We are super grateful to have provided the resources for this event.

Lastly, I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve. That I get to see firsthand how God touches and transforms people’s lives. What a privilege!!!!

Thank you, Greg & Donna.


Thanks be to God! 

Greg & Donna

Ester awarded a goat at the Christmas Party

Parents in line for Christmas Party Meal

Paul and his mother with food package and chairs given at Christmas