To All: 

Sandra and Odetta getting ready to return to school!

Our Newsletters many times give you updates on the various activities going on at Two Roads in Kabale. I can report that in February our staff was all busy getting 160 children back to school for the first term of the year!  We had 16 students who passed their Primary 7 National exams and were promoted to Secondary school! All but one of these will be attending Kigezi high school. Then we had 19 students who took the Secondary 4 National Exam.  Of these who took the exam 10 will be going on to Senior 5, while 7 will be going to various technical schools. This is made possible by your sponsorship!

But in this newsletter, I wanted to share a little more from our heart about the ministry.

We praise God for you and your support of this vital ministry to the families of Kabale, Uganda. We fully support the outreach to what are called unreached people groups (defined as less that 2% Christian).  We have come to find that in the midst of Kabale (where they say they are Christian), that indeed they are unreached by the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Many will be born, sprinkled as a baby, grow up and die without ever really hearing that they need a Savior.   They are as lost and really unreached as those that have never heard – and their eternity will be the same! Hell!  They haven’t heard that they can have a relation with the God who loves them and desires a relationship with them.  They need to hear that they can walk with God, just as Adam & Eve did in the garden before sin marred God’s perfect creation. Or they may be born into a Muslim family and never hear of a God who loves them so much that He sent His Son to die for them!

Our mission is to mobilize the Church to transform the lives of these who are living in poverty; Physical poverty and spiritual poverty. Our vision is to see lives transformed by the power of God for and to His glory.

For the last 5 years Two Roads has been planting seed, watering, cultivating the soil.  We have begun in the last year to see God bring about a fruitful harvest. For that we Praise God.

Ps 115:1 Not to us, LORD, not to us, but to Your name give glory because of Your faithful love, because of Your truth.

As our sponsorship has grown now to 160 (and at least 20 more children waiting to be sponsored), we have increased staff and needed resources.  The $50 sponsorship fee covers a student’s school fees, school requirements, uniform, meals at school, and health insurance.  All other expenses of the ministry including staff salary, staff housing assistance, staff health care, Junction rent and utilities, food on the weekends and holidays for the children, community outreach, and many other expenses are covered by people who give to the general fund of the ministry.  Two Roads is not supported by any church or ministry.  

We believe that God will supply all our needs. Currently the ministry is running a deficit of $6800 per month. Donna and I are available to share in your church or small group about what God is doing.  Please pray about whether God would have us come to share in your local church. May God raise up ambassadors for this ministry. We know there are many places you can give for ministry. We are simply praying for those that God would speak to:

Exodus 25:1-2 The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me a contribution.  From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the contribution for me.

God’s Faithful Provision: Last year God provided a Sonic Property that the owner had left to build a new Sonic. He donated the older property to Two Roads Foundation. The sale of this property provided the difference in income that was needed to meet our monthly obligations. We are confident that God’s arm is not too short!  He will provide.

May God richly bless the work of your hands,

Greg & Donna

Greg’s cell:580-307-4686

Donna’s cell: 580-307-4578

Prayer requests:

  • Pray for a pastor & an established church
  • Pray for final resolution of the criminal trial
  • Pray for Two Roads to obtain the land title and begin construction on the new Junction
  • Pray for the Lord’s direction on purchase of more land and construction of a school, housing for families, farming, livestock raising.
  • Continuing growth of ministries:
    • Ladies Fellowship
    • Men’s fellowship/bible study
    • Parents Meetings/training
    • Student Mentoring
    • Rabbit project & other resource generating projects
  • Mission team in July
  • Sarina’s dad healing from cancer
  • Staff development