Local Mission Project *UPDATE*
Roofing a Home and Serving Lunch to the Community
The local mission project was completed on June 20. Our one or two day project turned into 5 days! But we had lots of volunteers and many blessings! The main day Saturday was a great day of work, fellowship and food. We fed lots of folk (hard to keep a head count) – but God knows! We had about 17 guys on the roof!! We had to remove three layers of shingles and re-deck the whole roof. It took 72 sheets of sheathing to re-deck the roof! On Sunday we had “Roof” church at 10 a.m. followed by more roofing. Then Monday and Tuesday we had volunteers working to finish all the shingling. We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who gave time or money to help make this project possible. Matthew Collins ministry “Life Together Discipleship” helped with the project and most importantly they accepted two men into their program that they met during the project. We still are short on covering all expenses if anyone wants to give, donations are still being accepted. We will not use any funds that have been given to Two Roads for the work in Uganda.
- Estimated total labor: 384 man-hours!
- Dumpster rental: $469
- Total Materials (see detail below): $3807
- Food Cost (That was not donated) :$86
- Lives touched: Priceless
- Total Project Cost: $4362
26 square yards of shingles (20 purchased & 6 donated), 17 rolls tar paper, 72 sheets of 7/16” OSB, turbine vent, 410’ drip edge flashing, 120’ valley flashing, 80’ 1×4 lumber, 1 carton roofing sealer, 100 pieces of step flashing, 228’ of 2×4 lumber, 1 piece 4’x8’ siding, caulking, 3 seal tites, 2.5 boxes of roofing nails, donated staples, and lots of misc. stuff!
Customize the amount to anything you like, every bit helps! These Donations will go toward the roofing project and to help with the food purchases. The donation will be processed securely through PayPal. Don’t have a PayPal account? No problem. You can still use PayPal to send your donation.