Special Projects – We Need Your Help!

Christmas Project 2024 ~ $6870

$5,731 / $6,870

Every year we have been hosting all our sponsored children and their families for a Christmas party. At this party, we serve a nice meal and have a full program. We give awards (goats) to the best students and most improved students in both primary and secondary schools. Each family will be given a food package that will include meat so they can enjoy a blessed Christmas meal at home and have some food for the holidays. If we have enough funds this year we would like to give each family the gift of a blanket.  Please give as God leads you.

Here is general breakdown of the costs:

  • Christmas gift for each family; 1 blanket = $15 (Total for 155 blankets= $2325)

  • Christmas food package for each family = $19 (Total for 155 food packages= $ 2945)  (food packages include:  rice, beef, cooking oil, soap, Irish potatoes, salt, g-nuts)

  • Christmas celebration for all children (food, supplies, scholastic awards) = $1600

Total Christmas Project Expense:  $6870

Images from last year’s celebration!

Completed Projects!

T-shirt Project ~ $1766

$1,766 / $1,766

The team going to Uganda summer of 2023 is planning to take Two Roads t-shirts for all the children and polo shirts for the staff & team.  This will be the first time in 8 years we have planned to do this. This will give identity to the sponsored children and provide them another shirt to wear (most have only school uniform and maybe one other shirt) The expected cost for this project is $1766.

Total required:     $1766

House Rebuilding Project ~ $2500

$2,500 / $2,500

This includes all materials required except the bricks.  Approximately 3000 soil/cement compacted bricks have been made by our sponsored children and will be used in the construction.  This cost also includes a water collection system to allow them to use rain water collected in a large tank. The pictures show the existing house.  We will be building a new one in the space beside it and then tearing the old house down.  We hope to build this house in January 2023.

House Rebuilding Project Total Cost $2500 US

Construction Tools ~ $4272

$4,272 / $4,272

This is a project to buy tools, including a concrete mixer to be used on our house build in January 2023 and in future building projects. It also includes some battery powered hand tools we will buy and take with us. Most areas where we will be working have no electricity. Our Junction has electricity and we also have a generator purchased earlier this year

  • Concrete mixer 14,000,000 UGX = $3783
  • Cordless angle grinder= $139
  • Angle grinder blades, metal cutting, wood cutting, masonry= $60
  • 20V batteries= $150
  • 240V input 20V battery charger = $140

Total required:     $4272

Christmas Project 2023 ~ $5705

$6,800 / $5,705

Every year we have been hosting all our sponsored children and their families for a Christmas party. At this party, we serve a nice meal and have a full program. We give awards (goats) to the best students and most improved students in both primary and secondary schools. Each family will be given a food package that will include meat so they can enjoy a blessed Christmas meal at home and have some food for the holidays. If we have enough funds this year we would like to give each family a gift of two chairs.  Please give as God leads you.

Here is general breakdown of the costs:

  • Food for the party $750
  • Christmas party Awards $270
  • Family food packages (134 families!) $2200
  • Gift of 2 chairs per family $2200
  • *The total has been increased $285 to cover food packages to 19 additional families who are waiting for a child to be sponsored.

Total Christmas Project requirement:  $5705

Generator Project ~ $1500

$1,500 / $1,500

We are needing to purchase a generator to keep our operations running at the Junction during power outages. These happen quite often! At least once a week! This Honda generator is good quality and quiet. The cost in Uganda is $1400. We will add in the cost of electric wiring of $100.

Generator Project Total Cost $1500 US

Rabbit Project ~ $313

$313 / $313

In an effort to help our sponsored families gain more financial independence we are starting a rabbit project.  We are starting with a pilot project to work out our plan. We have selected 4 families for the pilot.  They will each be given a rabbit hutch, one male and one female rabbit, a water container and some training. We are working with an individual who has promised to buy all the rabbits produced. We will run the trial and then start a larger project to involve more families.

Pilot project costs:

  • Hutches ($58 each):  Total Cost $232
  • Rabbits ($6 each): Total Cost $48
  • Training Session: $29
  • Water Container ($1 each): $4

Pilot Project Total cost $313 US

Worship Expansion Project ~ $990

$990 / $990

We are in need of a second large tent. We have outgrown the one we purchased just two years ago. We will continue to use the original one and add a second one. This will provide protection from rain and direct sun. It will be used for our ladies fellowship meetings, Parent meetings and our children’s events on weekends.

Total cost 3,500,000 Ugx ($990 US)


$885 / $885

We are in need of replacing our bedding at the Junction.  This project will buy 12 new mattresses, 24 sets of sheets, 12 mosquito nets, and some extra support boards for the beds.  Here is a breakdown of the approximate cost in US dollars:

  • Mattresses  $34 each
  • Sheets $8 each
  • Mosquito nets $4 each
  • Supports $170 total

Total Requirements $ 885 (with labor and Transport)

Office Project ~ $1,200

$1,369 / $1,200

This project is to convert the garage at the Junction to make offices for 2 additional staff and add the furniture required. Estimated Cost: $1200

  • 3 desks
  • 1 bookcase
  • Lumber for wall
  • Floor covering
  • 2 Doors
  • 4 desk chairs
  • Electrical wiring for 2x outlets
  • Add ceiling lights

Brick Making Project ~ $950

$950 / $950

1 brick making machine has been purchased.  This is a manual machine that makes large tongue and groove bricks for home building. The bricks are made from a combination of soil and cement which are compressed by the machine. We are currently making bricks to build a new home for one of our sponsored children’s mother.  We hope to continue this program as other home needs arise, a habitat for Humanity, Ugandan style. In the future we hope to buy a second machine to take to the Batwa to see if this process can be used by them to build houses. This project will fund tools to go with the brick machines and provide the needed raw materials.  Estimated cost: $950

  • 100 bags cement (50 kg. ea.)
  • Sand
  • 2 chains & hardware
  • 2 locks
  • 2 Jerry Cans
  • Mounting boards & hardware

Fellowship Project ~ $2,450

$2,450 / $2,450

This project is to meet the growing needs of the Tuesday Fellowship and Sunday worship. The number of people coming (100+) exceeds the number that we can seat inside the Junction.  The size makes it difficult to hear the speaker as well. This project will provide a large tent and sound system plus some song books.  Estimated cost $2450

  •  1 large tent
  • 30 song books
  • Sound system
    • Amplifier
    • Sound board
    • Microphones

Fencing the Land Project ~ $6,000

$6,000 / $6,000

Before we can develop the land we need to make it secure by fencing it in and providing a small structure so that someone can live there. Once we have the land fenced we can begin clearing and leveling a space for building a new Junction. We can also place our brick making machine on the property and begin making bricks. Estimated Cost: $6000
• 100 Concrete posts
• 20 bags cement
• 7’ Chain link fence
• 10,000 ft. of wire
• 5000 ft barb wire
• Thorn Hedge plants
• Spades
• Hole diggers
• Wheel barrows
• Pick axe
• Construction materials for small house