Use this form to complete your monthly payment or just to give additional funds to be used as needed. Thank you for your support!

If you haven’t done so, please also take a second to complete your information (specifically your address) so that we can mail you a record of you giving at the end of the year.

Log into Your Account

You may increase the amount to pay for multiple months or to give for other things.

Select Payment Method
Log In to Your Account (optional)

Donation Total: $50

Setup a Recurring Payment

Number of Children
Name of Child or Children

General Giving

Click donate to go to the Paypal web site where you will be able to enter any amount that you would like. Please email us if there is a specific place where it should be used!

Want to make sure there are no processing fees and that you never miss a payment?

One of the easiest forms of payment for your sponsorship is to use bank auto draft. You just print out and fill in the available form and mail it back to us at: 28249 C.R. 70 Orlando, OK 73073. Mail this with a canceled check attached. This form authorizes us to withdraw the amount you specify once per month on the 15th of the month. By using Bank auto draft Two Roads Foundation receives 100% of your gift with no fees taken out.

  • Include a canceled check
  • Mail to: 28249 C.R. 70, Orlando, OK 73073