Happy New Year! We want to share some of the amazing things that God has done is 2024! In his end of the year report, Amos shared this insight:
We are incredibly grateful to God for his relentless love, grace and pursuit of us in being his hands and feet. What a time to be chosen; when falsehoods have deeply entrenched the church here, when secularism and pluralism continues to dilute the real influence of the church especially among young people and when corruption and abuse tightens its grip on our society! To be called to minister to the young people in these seasons comes with unfound honor and enormous responsibility that only God’s grace helps us carry. God has through Two Roads Foundation created a small island of his true gospel and service to his people in the ocean of the falsehoods, corruption and abuse and the scourge of great need in Kabale! The following report will reflect our testimony to his faithfulness, our short comings in service and a resolve to live up to what he has called for. -Kasigwa Amos
Well said Amos!
We have exciting News! Tyra & Amos have been blessed with a baby boy, born December 26! We introduce to you Ruhamya Nganzi Kasigwa! Ruhamya means one who affirms God’s faithfulness. Ngangi means one who reigns. We praise God for his birth!
Christmas at the Junction!
We had a blessed Christmas party for all our children and their families. There were speeches, skits, prizes, sweet fellowship and plenty of food for all. Every family received a blanket as a gift. Later each family received a “food basket” and then a coupon they could redeem for meat at the market. This allows each family to have a Christmas meal. Thanks to all who gave to make this possible
I love this picture taken at the Christmas party! It captures children in our program who have grown up into men and women!! I can’t imagine how God has used 2 Roads to change the course of their lives. In it we see Emanual (back row left) who graduated with a degree in Social work and is now on our staff. In the middle back is Jim who just graduated from the University. The others on the back row are enrolled in the University and have started an alumni association to help mentor young 2 Roads children! On either side of Jim is Anothy (business major), Brenda Princess (law major), Daphine (gap year) Benias (Tourism). On the front row from the left is Davis, Asaph, Odetta, Nixon and Abton. The 4 boys have completed Senior 6 and will be waiting their test scores. Odetta will be going into Senior 6 in 2025. Next year they will determine what their next steps are: University, vo-tech, or business.
Sponsored Students: God has continued to grow us both in number and spiritual growth. We have seen the number of families grow and more people coming to Christ this year.
Here is the composition of the student body:
2023 | 2024 | |
Total number of families | 141 | 152 |
Total no. of students | 157 | 164 |
No. of students dropped | 07 | 09 |
No. of students that graduated | 02 | 03 |
No. of students in primary | 76 | 68 |
No. of students in secondary | 70 | 77 |
No. of students in college/ vocation | 11 | 17 |
No. of students on waiting | 03 | 02 |
We structured these meetings in ways that best reflected the realities of our parents. We have the married couples, single parents and those who are co-parenting. We categorized these meetings to best serve their needs and areas of interest. We however made sure that we held a general meeting after every 3 months to continue encouraging parents getting to know one another.
Let us share what Amos experienced in one of the singles parent’s meeting:
One of the most touching and outstanding topics with the singles, was when we asked them to share their stories of how they became single parents for anyone that was comfortable sharing, we didn’t know the magnitude of the question we had asked because one after another, the ladies shared the touchiest stories we had ever heard! One after another, they spoke about an abusive ex-husband and boyfriends, men who lured them when they were still teenagers and some who were raped. Those in the audience were nodding and tears flowing on their cheeks as if to say we understand what you are saying because in the end the stories of those who shared became their own. Even as we were moved by these stories, I kept wondering how these women had ended up in these horrifying experiences and been through so much and some their innocence stolen? I came to a realization that it was the same circle of abuse and poor choices, environment and upbringing. In that moment, it affirmed to me what we’re trying to achieve with the younger generation-men and women of deep faith and consequential character. The most beautiful thing to see is how these women are rebuilding back their lives, showing up for their children, determined to give their children a life they never lived and what we are helping with is showing them how to do that. – Kasigwa Amos
Of course, a large focus for the ministry is providing the best education we can for each sponsored child. As sponsors, you provide the financial resource that our staff converts to tuition, school supplies, Uniforms, health care, and things that the children need. But we know that the most important thing is their relationship to Jesus. So, we have Sunday services for those who can come. We go to their school regularly to encourage them and to share lessons from God’s word. Every child from primary 6 and older receive their own Bible. During holidays from school the children come to our facility (the Junction) for Bible lessons & discipleship.
BUSINESS START-UPS: As 2Roads has grown and expanded we understand the need to help our sponsored children’s parents develop ways to earn income. We have done this through the continuing Rabbit project. In addition, this year we helped start 3 businesses; for Kevin (photo studio), Mama Joshua (second-hand clothing) & Mama Addison (tea room). We saw the continued growth of Mama Francis’ business and Deborah’s business (who we helped start a hair salon last year).
The Tuesday fellowship has grown not just in numbers, but in the spiritual depth of the ladies who attend. The fellowship has inspired self-esteem and confidence among members springing from finding a new identity in Christ. A significant blessing this year has been the commissioning of 4 ladies to help lead. This happened after a long time of training and praying for these ladies, God has really grown these 4 ladies spiritually to help lead the fellowship.
We also started cell groups/Small groups to foster deeper connections among our fellowship women. We implemented a strategic plan to go beyond being just large weekly meeting to form deeper family bonds. To date four cell groups have been formed, each led by a dedicated mobilizer and a strong believer in the area.
The women’s fellowship choir has been a vibrant and a dedicated group, striving for excellence in praise and worship. Under the guidance of our leader Sharon and with support from Wycliff, we have experienced a level of growth and impactful connection and organization.
We have a consistent number of 13 members of the men’s fellowship coming every Thursday. This has been the most challenging fellowship. This year we focused on deepening spiritual growth more than looking for ways to widen the numbers. It has been a safe space too for most men to open up about their struggles like Alcoholism, Infidelity, domestic violence and unemployment. God has used this fellowship to rebuke and encourage in love and scripture to the extent that one of the most physically abusive man decided to quit alcohol and wed his wife.
If you read this far thank you! Please send us a comment so we know we are in this together! It is hard to sum up all that God done this year in Two Roads. This update really just skims the surface. Donna and I want to thank you as sponsors and supporters for letting God use you to provide the resources for the ministry. We want to thank our staff who work everyday to make everything happen; thank you Amos, Tyra, Julie, Rosette, Wycliffe, Emmanuel, and Enoch!! In 2025 we celebrate 10 years of God’s faithfulness in Kabale Uganda. Donna and I will be heading over In January. I hope next month to share more about where we believe God is leading us in 2025.
- Please be in prayer for a Pastor to grow and nurture the believers in Kabale.
For a complete list of prayer requests look at the October 2024 Newsletter.
We look forward to see what God will do in 2025,
Greg & Donna