- Date of Birth: 20/01/1994
- Gender: Female
- Status: Orphaned
- Class: Senior One
- Best Subject: Science
- Interest: To become a Nurse
- Hobby: Foot ball
- Parents both deceased, was living with a very old grandmother.
- Siblings: None
- Parental status: Both parents died
Further Details:
- Health: Good
- Social / Emotional Wellbeing: Good
- Spiritual Development: Committed
- School Performance: Average
- Notes: His performance at home is good
- Date of entry: 27/09/07
- Current need: Secondary Education, a family environment and Medical care
- Judith is studying at Kihanga Secondary School in Senior One. She needs a sponsorship of US $50 per month to continue living at the Orphanage and complete Secondary Education.
- Other needs: Clothes, shoes and transportation to visit her grandmother twice a year.