1. Parents meeting.

We had a parent’s meeting on the 18th of august and we talked about Intentional parenting. This is a topic we have discussed many times but we repeated it with the intention of talking about practical ways to actually do it now that the children are back home for the holidays.

We did an experiment where we discovered that kids spend between 15-18 years in school through college. And most of these years, the kids in Uganda are in boarding schools.

We then calculated how many months they are in school every year, and it came to between 9-10 months of the year, this leaves parents with only 2 full months to be with their kids.

We then posed a question; how can we best utilize the small time we have with our children so that we nurture and teach them in the way of the lord?

Out of many suggestions were;

  • Intentionally spending time with our children, this could be through asking them questions, just hanging out with them with the sole purpose of connecting with them and them trusting that they can depend on you for anything. An example, Innocent the father of Cleophas said he has dinner with his family every day and will carry an avocado that they share amongst themselves as he knows that his children love it very much. It’s at the table that they get to know how their childrens day was but even for them as partners.
  • Living exemplary lives as our children learn more from seeing what we do rather what we say to them.
  • Continuously reminding ourselves that parenting is our main and biggest role hence treat it as a blessing and with much attention.

All the parents agreed that only through present parenting will they see change in the lives of their children and we are excited to see what will happen if they put all this in practice.

  1. The empowerment program:

  a. Mama Joshua-

Two Roads helped pay the rent of mama Joshua as she was almost being kicked out of her home, and with her being disabled she doesn’t have as much opportunity of work like everyone else.

A decision was made to help her start a business as a result of having conversation, her desire was to start a one where she sells children’s clothes as its something she had done before and understood. Two Roads gave her the resources she needed to start.

And as is now the policy for all those being supported to start businesses, one of the most encouraged things is saving, so she saves twenty thousand shillings with Julie every week!

She normally displays her clothes at a friend’s shop on weekdays but goes for market day every Saturday in Katuna, and she says this increases on her sales.   

And just last week, Two Roads bought her a wheel chair that she will be using while at the junction every time she comes for meetings.

  b. Mama Adison-

Mama Adison was the other parent who was supported to start a business just this month, Two Roads supported her and she started a restaurant business where she sells tea, breakfast food and the for lunch she sells cow parts like hooves and the head. She saves with Juliet seven thousand shillings every week as a way of teaching her the habit of saving for the things she will need and not taking it from the capital.

Taking these ladies through the classes about saving, book keeping and growing a business has been very rewarding as you get to know them even better, see them make mistakes, see them learn from them. And our hope is that they will grow their businesses so that they are in position to take care of their families.

  1. Mama Francis.

Mama Francis was unfortunately attacked by thugs in the first week of august as her and three other ladies she works with were going home. They hit her terribly and were kicking her in the stomach but also pushed Francis but fortunately he landed on his feet and wasn’t as hurt as his mother. They of course took all the money they had made that day.

When we visited a week ago, she was doing much better and had gone back to work, she now has made it a point to go back home when it’s still really early for that to never happen to her and her son.

  1. Mama treasure.

 God provided funds through 2roads to help support mama Treasure for 1 year because she was living in an extremely run-down house with a leaking roof and broken doors. This was after her husband threw out of his house with her babies. However, we realized that if the help we are giving her is to be sustainable, we needed to come alongside her in more different ways. One way was to help her with her walk with Christ, embrace a new Identity with CHRIST, learn to love and believe in herself as she has been looked down on for so many years that her self-esteem was crushed, teach her about basics of hygiene as that’s one of her biggest struggles, and how to best take care of her children.

These efforts combined we believe will set her up as a good parent but also help her sustain and grow a business so that in the long run she is able to support her family fully. We met with her and set days of the week where it would be possible for her to come to office for sessions with Tyra.

  1. Sunday take overs by university students.

For the past weeks, we have been giving our university students, and those yet to join, opportunity to share with the others during the Sunday devotions. And so far, Jim and Brenda have shared as Benias led the program.

On the Sunday that Brenda shared she shared from 1 Samuel 1 about the story of Hannah and how with God everything is possible. It’s been good seeing them share their understanding of the word of God and seeing their growth in the word. The impact it also has on all the little ones that look up to them is big.

This is how we intend to continue engaging these university students.

Exciting things happening in September.

  • A combined parents and childrens meeting on the 6th
  • The holiday program, devotions, games, one on ones
  • Academic reviews
  • Fun Sunday gatherings

Thank you for your steadfast support and prayers,


On behalf of the Ugandan team.